Traditional Ways
If you’re looking for a traditional cattle operation with a little bit of uniqueness to it, look no further than Mt. Vernon, Ark. This is the home of Jerry Henry, his family, horses and cattle business.
Taking Time to Learn
Three years ago, Gary Morris and his family moved from the outskirts of St. Louis, Mo., to an 8-acre farm near Fair Grove, Mo. The family includes wife, Amy, and teenage sons, Gregory and Ben.
Forage and Nutirtion: Hand in Hand
Lloyd Gloe and wife of 36 years, Donna, reside in Webster County, near Marshfield, Mo., doing business as D & L Farms, running 1,200 head of cattle.
Decades of Tradition
The farm of retired school teachers Sam and Jan Starks lies on the outskirts of the town of Salem, Mo. and has been in Jan’s family for over six decades. During that time, Jan’s family has owned, almost exclusively, a herd of purebred horned Hereford cows.
Providing a Profit
John and Donna Fields had a dream 21 years ago; to someday own the many acres of countryside that John played and explored on as a child growing up. The couple moved back to Jay, Okla., from Alaska in 1990 and began taking steps toward their dream. Starting with only 40 acres, John and Donna worked daily to make that dream a reality. Today, that dream is the successful 550-acre farm, Bar Circle F Ranch.
Integration – A Good Thing
For Dr. Joan Burke, research animal scientist at the USDA Agricultural Research Service and Dale Bumpers Small Farms Research Center in Booneville, Ark., finding the answer to one question fueled them. The question – if chickens could break the parasite life cycle of Haemonchus contortus or Barberpole worm to lessen the infestation rate in the stomachs of sheep and goats?
Not Your Average
According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the average age of all U.S. principal farm operators in the 2002 Census was 55.3 years of age. Chrisie Schwerin Smith is swimming against that tide. An exceptional young lady, Chrisie is the future of agriculture in America today.
Double the Lamb
Tim Bartkoski has learned a lot. He had some sheep when he was younger, and years later when his daughters wanted animals to show in 4-H, he knew from experience how much easier sheep are to care for and show than a larger animal, so he got back into the sheep business. That was 30 years ago.
Working Dog World
Dr. Art Bryant is a man of strong convictions, an important characteristic for a Laclede County cattleman and veterinarian who has worked with Border Collies for over 25 years. “I like cows, Border Collies and red heads,” Art Bryant said while casting a smile in Nancy’s direction, his red-headed wife. She stayed busy answering his constantly ringing office phone.
Breeding for the Buck
Becky and Rod Reid’s nephew, Tom Luthy III loved watching the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) on television at his grandparents’ house in Lebanon, Mo., while growing up. Unlike a lot of little boys who left those dreams in childhood, he found a way to follow that dream.