68.4 F
Saturday, May 18, 2024

A Brahma Preference


Darrell Robinson, his wife Devetta and their three sons, Cole, Jacob and Garrett, have lived on the Five R Ranch at the foot of beautiful Mount Petit Jean, for about 14 years. Their home sits on top of 300 acres of meadows and wooded areas, where on a clear day you can see Mt. Nebo and surrounding farmlands below. Darrell said, “When we got ready to pick our home place out, we had to ride our horses up here, because it was too brushy and grown up to get up here any other way."

Returning to the Family Tradition


When Dale Johnston went off to college, he had no plans of returning to his multi-generational ranch. Dale was a business major in college, and didn't have anything to do with the agriculture field. “When I left home for college, my intention was not to come back. Got out in the real world, and found out ranching wasn't so bad after all.”

A Legacy of Feed and Family


Jerry Letterman, of rural Webster County, and his brother, George, built five feed bays in 1985 to feed their own dairy cattle and within short order, almost without realizing it, Jerry discovered he was in the feed business.

A Promising Future in Farming


Brian Palmer is the fifth-generation of his family on their farmstead, east of Miami, Okla.

Taking Profit Up Front


Jim McDonald has been farming long enough to know pretty much what it will cost to raise a calf to a desired weight.

The Pursuit of Passion

Michelle Wilson's passion for horses began at age 13. Until then, she had been a city girl before her mother bought her riding lessons for her birthday. Michelle recalled, “I spent every day riding,” after her first ride.

Farming Dad’s Way

The 110 acres making up the home-place property where Mike Crow and his wife Robin live, has been in the family over 100 years. He grew up working alongside his dad, Willard Crow, and his mother Patsy.

It’s Not Junk

"It’s all born of laziness,” said Larry Marah in reference to his farm equipment inventions. “I got old and tired of doing everything by hand. Maybe if I was easier to get along with, I wouldn’t have to build so many one-man machines,” he chuckled.

Striving for Excellence

David and Susan Day strive to breed high-quality dairy cattle at Aragorn Farms BOLIVAR, MO. - For the Days, dairy cattle are a part of...

Aiming for Quality


Reggie Terry has lived on a farm all his life. His dad was a dairy farmer, but Reggie didn’t go into that. Around 1984, he started buying and raising bottle calves. He came across some crossbred heifers and decided to start a beef cow herd.

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