77.7 F
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

The Farming Life


In 1919 Alfred Friend bought a farm in Dade County, Missouri, bordering Stockton Lake, from the Sloan family. It was just under a section of land, at 640 acres. At Alfred’s side during the purchase was his son, J.A. Friend. Together the two began to farm the bottom land. They raised cattle, hogs and row crops of corn, wheat and beans. Alfred lived in one house on the farm and J.A. in another house down the hill.

All-Natural Ways


Scott and Pam Powers believe in supporting local agriculture, and in the process, they're growing the best tasting broiler chickens and meat rabbits in Ozark County, Missouri. Their method is to use no additives or preservatives in raising their animals, and they do it all on their small acreage.

Mixing Cattle and Cabins


Steve and Karen Hamm own 777 acres just five miles west of Alpena, Ark.  When they first visited the area, they were living in Phoenix and were on a short vacation. Little did they know that northern Arkansas was destined to become their new home.

Innovation and Sustainability


'Good food' is the slogan of the 65-acre DH Farms of West Fork, Ark. Located on a picturesque hilltop in the Boston Mountains, near West Fork, the DenHerder family farm is a sprawling mixture of pasture and wooded land. The DenHerders work to make the farm sustainable and to operate as a team. The farm is a diverse mixture of livestock and produce, to meet the needs of the local farmer’s market and the interests of the DenHerder family.

Milk, Meat and Much More


Twenty-five LaMancha and Nigerian Dwarf doe goats, 22 bottle-fed kids, four adult bucks, three Great Pyrenees guardian dogs, an Australian Shepherd and a donkey named Nellie roam Simple Pleasures Farm on Nubbin Hill near Leslie, Ark., owned by Phil and Dawn Hurd. 

Thanks To The Lambs


"Each species of livestock has its own little differences,” Scott Kaden explained recently, while standing inside a barnful of bleeting Hampshire and Dorset sheep in Phelps County, a short distance south of Rolla, Mo.

Beefmasters Breed Better


Some cattlemen select their breed of cattle after carefully considering all the characteristics of a particular breed, and then choosing the one that suits their tastes best. However, some producers are not satisfied with the characteristics any single breed can offer them. One alternative for those producers who want more is to select a breed like Beefmasters.

Trying A Living Fence


When New England poet Robert Frost penned, "Good fences make good neighbors," he wasn't thinking about trees.

Commingling Goats and Cattle


"I just love my goats,” chuckled Patty Horner from Rockin’ Rock Ranch in Salem, Ark. “I could just spend hours out with them and the babies. They are all jumping and hopping around the field and me. They are just fun to be around,” she added.

Eye on the Target


When it comes to shooting trap, brother and sister duo, Cord and Brooke Riley are right on target. The siblings are members of the Huntsville FFA Chapter’s shooting sports team. Huntsville’s FFA team has won the state trap shooting tournament for two consecutive years, and they are hoping for their third win in April.

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