Taking the Mustangs for a Ride
"I had a good job as a battery engineer,” explained Chad Kelly at Davidson’s Quarter Horse ranch recently. “I worked for the company that supplies the batteries for NASA and other major government contracts. I have four degrees plus an honorary degree in engineering, but I really hated my job. I was inside all day and on the road 40 weeks a year. I put myself through college starting colts and shoeing horses and I realized after 10 years as an engineer, the horses were what I really wanted to do.”
The Unintended Cattleman
You can take the boy off the farm but you can never completely get the farm out of the boy — even after almost 40 years.
Maine-Anjou Calves Do It Best
Love is in the air when Feb. 14 rolls around at Tim Durman’s farm in Seneca, Mo. That’s the time Tim chooses to crossbreed his Black Maine-Anjou bulls with mostly Black Angus momma cows.
What Drives This Family Dairy Farm
Eric and Kathy Vimont moved their family from western Washington state to 68 acres between Mt. Vernon and Aurora, Mo., almost three years ago, and have had no regrets. Their goal was to establish a small, sustainable family farm that they could pass on to their son and daughter. Thus was born “Pasture Nectar Farm," where the family offers high quality raw milk, grass-fed beef, pastured hen eggs and seasonal fresh vegetables — when Kathy has time to put in a garden.
Like A Typical Ozarks Farm
What does owning a beautiful piece of land in the Ozark hills, raising cattle and hunting rattlesnakes have in common? Just ask Don Sisco and his wife Mildred or “Mil” of Christian County area near Chadwick, Mo. After a career of working at Hiland Dairy and also serving as the Chief of the Chadwick Volunteer Fire District and several years in the area of law enforcement Don now has the time to enjoy some farm life.
Teamwork and Hardwork
In the early 1950s, Charles and Norma Daniel settled in the Greenfield area with 80 acres each, nine or so cows and a team of horses.
A Different Breed of Feeding Operation
When Preferred Livestock of Marion, Ky., needs goats, they call Bud Hansen. In a trailer he customized with a double deck, he hauls 175 to 180 goats to the yards in Kentucky, where they are loaded on bigger trucks and distributed to packing houses.
A Horse Tale
Many ten-year-old boys dream of owning a horse. For Walter Stevens it was more than a dream. It was a reality that evolved into a business. Walter and wife, Sharon, own 12 acres near Marshfield, Mo., in Webster County. They lease an additional 160 acres.
Preserving the Art of Curing
Baleigh Raef of Laclede County is a 10-year-old fourth grader in Lebanon, Mo. Like her contemporaries, she is involved in a variety of activities, but some of them are a bit unique including playing the mandolin, deer and turkey hunting and showing Duroc pigs at the county fair. Baleigh’s latest interest for the last couple of years has been the curing and showing of champion hams at the county, regional and state fair levels.
The Best Decision Ever Made
Danny Chrisman owns and lives on the farm his father once owned. Although his dad owned the farm, they lived in Springfield, Mo. “I lived near Phelps Grove Park, and eventually moved east of Chestnut Expressway,” he said.