Keeping Almost Perfect Cattle
"There’s no such thing as a perfect breed of beef cattle,” Frank Skym said, “but Braunvieh have so many good characteristics, they have to be close.” The quality of the beef and feed efficiency are close to the top of the list of characteristics Frank appreciates in his herd. Braunvieh cattle average a feed conversion of 6.71 pounds per pound of gain, according to the Braunvieh Association of America. Even though Braunvieh are heavily muscled, their marbling ensures a high grade of beef.
The Best of Both Worlds With Brangus
Ozarks Roots – Highway of Dreams
When Fred and Gay Mason opened their Gay Parita gas station in 1930, the highway it served was the great thoroughfare of the nation.
No Ordinary Hen-House
Operating a laying house has many challenges. Tom Leverich of Pioneer near Wheaton, Mo., who owns and manages his laying house said, “The big thing is that you have to be consistent.” In his house (which is 400' x 40') he keeps and maintains approximately 13,000 hens, that lay, at their peak, as many as 12,600 eggs per day. What are the most important things? Tom, who has owned his laying house since 2004, said, “There are four things you have to be consistent with: Quality of the air in the chicken house, temperature, water and feed. If you manage those four things the birds are going to do well.”