An Agriculture Leader
Olivia Foster educates producers through Extension and maintains her own herd
Olivia Foster of Green Forest, Ark., demonstrates characteristics common to many of today’s cattle...
Maximizing Profits
Bill Sossamon returned to Arkansas and the family farm after living in California
Bill Sossamon spent most of his early childhood living on 17 acres...
An Ambiguous Future
Aaron Artripe prefers Beefmaster cattle and rented pasture
“I’m just old enough to be invited to the grown-up table of cattle producers,” quipped 30-year-old Aaron...
Growing on the Farm
Daniel and Katie Beal made their way to the Ozarks and agriculture
Together with their two daughters, Evelyn and Annie, Daniel and Katie Beal manage...
Starting with a Starter Yard
Colby Cunningham started a growing yard so he could build his own ranch
The old saying “starting from scratch” applies to Colby and Rachel Cunningham’s...
Continuing the Farm
Brothers manage cattle and poultry operations on the farm that has been in their family for more than a century
Sterling Chamber Pitts founded what...
A Happy Place
Couple leaves the hustle and bustle of California for their own Christmas tree farm in Oklahoma
Native Californians Brian and Rachelle Batesole found California to...
A Heart in Farming
Brian Austin runs an Angus operation, but longs to return to his dairy roots
Brian Austin of Lincoln, Ark., is one of those people who...
FFA Members Horse Around
The Peper siblings compete in rodeo events across Oklahoma
Kelsey and Caleb Peper are sixth-generation cattle ranchers, but both are all about horses.
The siblings attend...
Show-Quality Swine
Eighteen-year-old Mason Ramey demands quality and quantity from his sows
As society becomes more complex, new patterns for successful farms emerge.
A an example is...