Hometown: Fairland, Okla.
County: Ottawa
Family Members: Husband, Bret
Children: Brittni Mann, Cash Wilson, Rylan Wilson. 2 Granddaughter’s, Olivia and Gracie Mann
In Town: I have owned a salon in Fairland for 26 years and my husband and I have been realtors with Solid Rock Realtors out of Grove for 4 years.
In the Country: My husband and I operate a cow/calf operation East of Fairland on a ranch that Bret’s grandpa started in 1950. We have just under 900 acres of grass and timber with a good mix of bermuda and fescue. We run primarily commercial Angus and Angus cross cows bred to Angus and Charolais bulls. We prefer moderate framed cattle and run approximately 200 head of mature cows and bred heifers. We plan to continue growing the operation as we are able.
We also do custom application of fertilizer and lime as well as running a commercial dump truck hauling topsoil and limestone products from the local quarry.
What I enjoy most about being a rancher/farmer?
We enjoy making the land more productive and being able to produce quality beef.