Hometown: El Dorado Springs, Mo.
Family Members: Husband, Craig; Daughters, Rowan, Bennett, Emersyn and son, Hackett
In Town: Currently I teach fourth and fifth grade at Hudson R-IX school in Appleton City, Mo. Hudson is a small community school West of Appleton City, that has students thru eighth grade. I have been teaching off and on for several years as well as homeschooling my own kids. Three of my four kids attend Hudson and my oldest is homeschooled as she works as a vet tech 2 days a week.
In the Country: My husband and I maintain a registered Beefmaster cow/calf operation in Cedar and St. Clair County. Everyone in the family is involved in some aspect from checking cows and feeding cattle to helping load. We always have cattle for sale, and we consign to several registered Beefmaster sales. The kids are actively involved on the farm with their favorite cows as well as having their own show heifers. The kids enjoy going to several shows each year with their heifers and Rowan also enjoys showing bulls and halter breaking all the calves. I enjoy watching my kids grow up on the farm and helping with the day to day activities. My oldest is very knowledgeable when it comes to all of the cattle, and she sets a great example to her younger siblings in teaching them about animal husbandry. My youngest kids are also involved in several different school sports, and we spend a lot of time going up and down the road watching them. It is always very busy around the farm and everyone plays an important role in keeping things running smoothly.