• Hometown: Lamar, Ark.
• Family: Husband Jess, son Steele (4), and a daughter due in November
In Town: Tiffany Jordan and her husband Jess have owned Daniell’s Bridal in Clarksville, Ark., since June 2007. Tiffany runs the store and Jess is a nurse practitioner at a local medical group.
In the Country: Tiffany and her family live on a 300-acre farm. The farm includes 180 acres that have been in the family for more than 100 years and was named a Century Farm in 2015.
Tiffany and Jess run a commercial cow/calf operation of about 100 head, and a few registered Santa Gertrudis.
“I showed all through high school, so we have tried to keep some of those registered animals,” she explained. “Right now, however, we are more just in the business to sell market cattle. Our little boy isn’t old enough to show, and both Jess and I work too much at this point to do that.”
The Jordan herd is mostly a cross of Red Angus, Hereford and Santa Gertrudis.
“We have a few black cows, but not many, and we also have three Holsteins. We’ve always had a Holstein around in case you have to put a calf on one,” Tiffany said, adding with a laugh that the Holsteins were the most stubborn animals in their herd.
The herd is typically have spring and fall calving, but an incident with an injured bull caused their herd to skip a season. The bull has since been replaced and the couple are back on track.
One area of the farm is set aside stickily for hay production, which is cut on shares with a friend.
“It’s all about convenience,” Tiffany explained. “We were having a lot of hay we didn’t use, so instead of us purchasing new equipment, they offered to do it on a share, and they take care of the cutting. We do all of the spraying and the fertilizing, but they hay it. We do buy a little to supplement, but 80 percent of what we feed, we raise ourselves.”
Jess was active in FFA in high school but did not grow up on a farm.
“He is very good with the equipment and things; he is self-taught on all of that,” Tiffany said, adding he also enjoys the farming way of life.