Peyton Drackett

Parents: John and Dawn Drackett
Hometown: Fort Smith, Ark.
FFA Chapter: Greenwood FFA
Advisor: Roy Cox

What is your favorite aspect of agriculture?
“My grandpa had a farm and always had animals so I really love animals. Now I have a farm job with Dr. Chris Ashworth, a veterinarian, and have learned more than I ever thought possible. I think what I enjoy the most is haying because I get paid to drive and I feel like I’m doing something not many 17-year-olds get to do although I also enjoy AI.”

Who is the most influential person in your life?
“My grandpa, Darwin Haudrick, is the most influential. He runs a commercial beef herd and has a ‘get it done’ attitude. That means business first with no messing around.”

What is your current involvement in agriculture, including your daily routine?
“I live in the country, but we have no livestock. However I help my grandpa whenever I can. I work for Dr. Ashworth, a large animal veterinarian specializing dairy cows. I checked cows, move them, hay, vaccinate and water and feed his Angus herd. During the school year I work 30 hours a week but up that to 50 hours during the summer.”

What are your future plans?
“I plan on going to college at Southern Arkansas University in Magnolia because I love the small campus and small-town feel. I’m going to be majoring in animal science and am considering careers such as being a veterinary tech because I don’t want as much school as it takes to be a veterinarian or working as a county extension agent or for a company like Tyson. I will, however, have my own commercial farm like my grandpa’s with Hereford’s or Black Angus because that’s what I love best.”


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