Cordale Smothers
Parents: Christi and Austin Smothers
Hometown: Green Forest, Ark.
4-H Club: Berryville 4-H Goat Club
4-H Leader: Jill Stice
What is your 4-H project?
“For my project I am raising a buck goat named Bandit and a doe named Bellstar. I have to do the daily care, which includes feeding them two to three times a day and freshening their water as needed. I also walk them every day and have them practice their stances to get ready for the fair.”
How did you get started with 4-H?
“I got started for two reasons. The first was because I like messing around with goats so showing them made sense. I also thought maybe I’d make some money.”
Favorite 4-H moment and awards: “I got second place in Registered Boer Goat for both a buck and a doe. My favorite moments also include having to drag my goat into the ring and helping a friend’s sister push hers. Goats can be stubborn sometimes.”
What do you like about showing?
“The competition themselves are really fun, and I get to meet a lot of new people too.”
What do you do to help out on the farm?
“I help feed the cows, especially in the winter, and rake hay among other chores. The thing I hate the most is picking thistles out of the field. On the other hand, the trade-off is that I get to live in the country and am able to do what I want like riding four-wheelers and raising cows. I’m also just getting started with shooting sports and I’m learning how to trap shoot.”
Who is the most influential per person in your life?
“My grandpa is the most influential because he helps me all the time. If I’m on a tractor and don’t understand something, he will explain and help me figure out whatever I don’t know. He does the same thing with the goats. I really enjoy my time with him.”