Name:  Bryce Rohr
Family:  Tony and Melissa Rohr; two sisters, Kelsey and Marley
Education: 16-year-old sophomore at Mountain Home High School, Mtn. Home, Ark.
Awards:  First place in 2010 and 2nd place in state in Jr. Showmanship with his steer. In 9th grade: Star Greenhand member of the chapter.

How are you involved in agriculture?
“This is my third year in FFA; I joined in 8th grade. I show a steer. Right now he’s here at the school, but at home we’re building a barn where we can put him. I’m also on CDE (Career Development Events) judging teams. Every year we have state and district contests. There are different areas of contests, like dairy foods where they judge things like milk and cheese. I’m a judge in the Ag business contest. It’s a lot of questions related to math, business and taxes.”

What is your career goal?
“As a career I’m probably going for something like engineering, which could be Ag-related, but I think that Ag is more of a hobby right now. I might double major in Ag and engineering.
I’d like to attend college somewhere in the state, either Jonesboro or Harding.”

Who has been your role model?
“My dad has been a big role model to me because when he was in school he was big in FFA. He had horses and cattle. My aunt, Jacquie Albright, has also influenced me. She’s the Ag teacher at Mountain Home Jr. High.”

If you could change anything in the agricultural field today, what would that be?
“I would like to get more people involved in Ag and change the public’s view of it. Right now they think of it as farms and animals. They need to know that farms these days are becoming industrialized. I’d like more people to understand how more advanced farming is now than it was when everything started.”

Story and Photo by Jack and Pam Fortner



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