Making a Comeback
Mule enthusiasts flock to revanped event
SPRINGFIELD, MO. - Missouri Mule Makeover and Ozark Mule Days is a big deal and getting bigger by the...
Moving Forward
Caleb and Tara Minor switched from commercial cattle to registered Limousin
STRAFFORD, MO. - Caleb Minor grew up surrounded by fields and pastures, but his...
All in the Family
Three generations have shared a love of tractors
NEVADA, MO. - Larry Buckles of Nevada, Mo., remembers his favorite Farmall tractor. His story begins at...
A Winning Project
Teen restores a more than 90-year-old tractor from the ground up
SEYMOUR, MO. - With all the high-tech gadgets and gizmos available today, Caleb Leightner...
Growing a Herd
Jason and Ashlae Simmons find Beefmaster cattle to be ideal for their family operation
GROVESPRING, MO. - Jason Simmons grew up in the Grovespring, Mo.,...
Genetics are Everything
Deana Oliver says the best beef comes from the best genetics
REEDS SPRING, MO. - For the owner of Molly Moo Farm in Reeds Spring,...
The Sweet Life
C&S Farms diversified their operation with the addition of strawberries, blackberries and other produce
DADEVILLE, MO. - Nine-year-old Henson Sayre says C & S Farms...
From a Vegan to a Cattleman
The Gonnam family is building a cattle herd and a grass-finished beef market
BUFFALO, MO. - Even though Chance Gonnam grew up in an Illinois...
A Little Variety with One Breed
Bruce and Courtney Bassler appreciate the maternal side of Beefmaster cattle
NIANGUA, MO. - Transplants from Maryland, Bruce and Courtney Bassler are thriving on Shooting...
Kids and Pigs
Christian and Brittany Watts traded a downtown apartment for a Camden County, Mo., farm
MONTREAL, MO. - Christian and Brittany Watts are enjoying life on...