62.9 F
Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Where Champions are Born

Hilltop Farms and the McWilliams family say the years of hard work finally pay off Just how do legacies begin? Are they a myth that...

Country and Family

Lifetime Vernon County, Mo., resident strives to honor veterans “The rights, freedoms and privileges we share today are because these men and woman made the...

Two Herds, Two Farms

The Andersons have both Dexter and Angus herds Ted Anderson, a retired FDA investigator, has Ironman triathlon medals on the wall of his office next...

Specialty Training to Specialty Tack

A new business was born out of a need for smaller halters for smaller equine “We’ve been around livestock all our lives,” Lee Thomas said...

Red and Black Cattle

Jim Sherrill strives for high-quality seedstock at Diamond S Limousin in Macks Creek, Mo. Jim Sherrill and his wife, Beth have Diamond S Limousin of...

A New Perspective on Ag

Crowder Aggies see how life on the farm differs in Costa Rica from the US One of the benefits of any quality agricultural education program...

The Evolution of the Stokes Family Farm

What was once a family dairy farm is now a growing beef cattle operation Joey Stokes was raised in Brighton, Mo., on his family’s dairy...

A Gem of a Partnership

John and Patti Giem partner with Tammy Stone to raise Large Black Hogs at their Gemstone Farm As John Giem neared retirement after a career...

Still Raising Herefords

Georgia and Monty Williamson began their marriage in 1967, but their love for Herefords goes back much further Georgia and Monty Williamson were relative newlyweds...

Advancing Technology

Young entrepreneur Parker Bass develops a sensor to help prevent fires in equipment A warm summer day got a little hotter near Rogersville, Mo., a...
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