Building on the Essentials
Marilynn Teague and Jimmie Chastain ventured into registered Beefmasters six years ago
DUNNEGAN, MO. - Nestled in Polk County, Mo., is a small, almost forgotten...
Hatching Quality
Josh Stephans focuses his poultry and waterfowl operation on breeding- and show-quality birds
ELKLAND, MO. - In certain livestock circles around the Ozarks, Josh Stephans...
Taking Ag to the Classroom
Springfield, Mo., school adds agriculture experience for urban students
SPRINGFIELD, MO. - On the south side of Springfield, Mo., is an elementary school ranked number...
Born to Farm
Wyatt Cox and his family have raised corn, soybeans and wheat for generations
BUTLER, MO. - Wyatt Cox is just 20 years old, but he...
All in the Family
Boyce-Dill Cattle began with Limousin and added Angus
MARSHFIELD, MO. - Boyce-Dill Cattle is a family-run operation in Webster County, near Marshfield, Mo. Brent Boyce...
Revitalizing the Land and the Dream
3 Korners Ranch was leased to other producers for decades, but it’s once again a family operation
BEULAH, MO. - In 1973, Robert Herron accomplished...
Working Towards a Goal
Jason and Jenny Poor have grown their farm and cattle operation
WILLOW SPRINGS, MO. - “When you’re raising your own replacement heifers you have to...
Back in the Family Business
After opening a small facility to process their own meat, brothers opt to expand their business
NEVADA, MO. - As brothers, Monty Smith and Leon...
Happy Cows, Happy Beef
Cow Kiss Ranch follows a low stress approach to beef production
CRANE, MO. - What co-owner/operator Rachael Countryman emphasized about the operation of Cow Kiss...
Advocating for the Future
2023 CattleWoman of the Year Scynthia Schnake advocates for the beef industry
STOTTS CITY, MO. - Scynthia Schnake and her family have a tradition of...