Hometown: Hominy, Okla.
Family: Daughters Mykaela (24) and Harper (12)
In Town: “I have been a field superintendent for an oil company from Nevada operating in Oklahoma for 13 years. I manage day to day maintenance, manage paperwork and drilling operations,” Jim said.
“I work at the India Electric District Office in Fairfax, Okla. I have performed member services and dispatch for the last four years,” Amanda said.
In the Country: “We are first-generation cattle producers starting from scratch. We live on 5 acres. We lease 160 acres with 12 momma cows. The momma cows are black-crosses. We just bought a Charolais bull. We are trying to raise scale-breakers with hybrid vigor. The herd we have now were officially paid off this year. We hope to buy more cows with the profit from selling calves in the fall,” Jim said.
Amanda added, “We have every animal our Harper and her father drags home for a 4-H Project.”
Amanda and Jim both serve on the Hominy Dug Out Club board in addition to being active in 4-H.
Future: “We want to own our own land. Enough land for 500 momma cows. We will stick with a hardy black-cross. We would like to grow to 50 head in five years and maintain that pace. I hope to retire and run the farm full time,” Jim said.