Hometown: Holiday Island, Ark.
In Town: “I started a mobile automotive business in 2017. I now work out of a shop named Beavertail Automotive in Holiday Island, Ark., and increased efficiency by transitioning so all of my tools are in one location. I currently perform many auto services, including detailing, paintless dent repair, windshield repair and window tinting. Additionally, I offer and install lighting and audio accessories. I am part also of a group-based business called Simplicity Real Estate Solutions located in Springdale where I serve as Executive Broker. We help people buy and sell houses and real estate, with me focusing on commercial properties and some contract signing.”
In The Country: “My brother Dustin and I started selling club lambs when we were 8 years old. We lived on a hobby farm with chickens, guineas and several horses that we were hoping would become a business but did not. Our aunt Becky Berkebile, who at the time was a Maryland FFA state officer, fanned our interest in showing. We entered the club lamb business because starting up a cattle operation was too expensive, especially because we wanted to raise and sell show-quality animals. Arkansas has many cattle and hog replacement breeding stock operations, so we decided on raising the less labor intensive show lamb industry. Our grandmother has property down the road on which we have 12 Suffolk-Hampshire ewes bred by one ram. Because we believe triplets are not efficient because they have to compete for food their entire lives, our goal is to produce twins, which we do at a 70 to 80 percent rate. In order to reach this rate, we use a solid health and feeding regimen with as stress-free an environment as possible. We want to produce an athletic animal adapted for hilly terrains while also being in good condition with neither too much nor too little fat. Our market is to sell selectively to previous and experienced customers. The industry standard for show lambs has finally progressed to where I think it should have been all along. The current standard is round, sound and low to the ground with a carcass yield of 65 to 70 percent. The current show standard finally meets the standard for commercial meat lambs. I am also involved with the Berryville FFA. The program has only two ag teachers, so I offer my services in terms of helping those interested in showing sheep and increasing the number who do so. I have a background in judging livestock, both in high school and in college, and am able to give hands-on advice and help. My personal goal is to raise awareness of what agriculture is because agriculture is no longer the center of our society and culture as it was even 200 years ago. Our world is so different that many have no idea where their meat comes from and I want to be an active advocate for agriculture.”