RSM Farm Supply, LLC

Owners: Raymond and Sharah Simeroth
Location: Warner, Okla.

History: “I was always a cattle ranch manager but lost my job in 2006 after 25 years. Then I became manager for a farm supply store in Warner and worked there for two years before the opportunity to purchase it arose. We gathered everything we had so we could purchase it outright. For two years my wife, Sharah, wore two hats: working with my daughter, Staci, in the cattle and custom baling businesses and serving as our mechanic. Now we have a full-time mechanic, and Sharah and Staci work in the store whenever possible, especially in the winter.”

Products and Services: “Our average customer is a hobby or small farmer, usually with cattle. We market a complete line of Big V feed out of McAlester, Okla., offering feed and show feed for all livestock, from cattle and chickens to goats and sheep as well as pigs, and horses. We carry dog and cat food and even have pond fish food but no ‘fish in a tank’ or canary feed. We have a full line of veterinary supplies with the largest sales for cattle followed by horses and then chickens. We carry garden and yard fertilizer along with hydraulic oils and fluids, grease, motor oil and tractor and truck batteries. We offer supplies for fencing and haying and specialize in parts for sprayers. We are a Krone and Rhino dealer including parts and service, and our mechanic works on tractors, hay mowers, brush hogs, balers and sprayers.

Philosophy: “While we know 90 percent of our customers by first name, we have customers from all over, including Arkansas, thanks to our service department. When we started, we didn’t know much about running a feed store, but Sharah wanted a little country feed store where everyone felt welcome. A cookie jar full of candy is on the counter, and we always tell people if they’re between 2 and 92 they can have a piece of candy. Businesses always want to expand, but we will only grow as large as is possible while maintaining a personal relationship with our customers.”


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