Wil Shrable

In Town:  Wil graduated from Ava High School and used his A+ scholarship to get his general education requirements at Ozark Technical College. He transferred to Missouri State University this fall, where he is majoring in agronomy. Wil has worked for Mr. Green Gene’s landscaping business in Springfield, Mo., since May and plans to use his work as an internship next summer. 

On the Farm:  Wil has six cows with plans to purchase more. Last October, he and his grandpa bought a group of mixed cattle together, and he farms in Ava, Mo.

How does the work complement the farm?
“The owner of the landscaping business run a herd of Simmentals. Over the summer we spent a lot of time on one of the partners’ farms near Seymour. He had it cleared off and we went through and put in pipe corners. I did a lot of welding and built a lot of fence. We also patch fence on some of their rented land. He asked me when I started working how comfortable I was around large machinery, such as tractors and pulling a truck and trailer. I have been doing that my whole life, so he sends me out to brush hog, rake and bale hay, or just anything that needs done.” 

What’s a typical day like?
“I have my classes scheduled to where I go to class in the morning at Missouri State. As soon as I get out, I go to work until about dark, then I drive home.  Dad helps look over my cows for me.”

What’s the future have in store? 
“I think I would enjoy working for the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), spending time out in the field and working with farmers, trying to get them to adapt to different programs that will be beneficial to them and help out the wildlife on their farms. I don’t think I’d have a problem going out and seeing different parts of the state for awhile. And, I would like to keep an average-size herd of cows on the side, probably nothing too big.”
Story and Photo by Jane Kinser


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