52.1 F
Monday, March 31, 2025

Drake Slate

Age: 14 Hometown: Greenwood, Ark. Parents: Brittany and Dwayne Slate Sibling: Laney Slate 4-H Club: Dayton 4-H Club leader: Brittany Slate What is your involvement in agriculture? “I show animals with...

Chance Harber

Age: 16 Hometown: Wiseman, Ark. Parents: Doug Harber and Kim Harber Siblings: Kylie Bell Harber and Suzanne Harber FFA Chapter: Salem FFA Advisor: Wayne Neal What is your involvement in...

Laney Slate

Hometown: Greenwood, Ark. Age: 16 Parents: Brittany and Dwayne Slate Sibling: Drake Slate 4-H Club: Dayton 4-H Club Leader: Brittany slate What is your involvement in agriculture? “I show livestock with...

Tavilynn Fortenberry

Hometown: Cecil, Ark. Age: 11 Parents: Shawn and April Fortenberry 4-H Club: Rancho Round Up and Franklin County Vet Science 4-H How are you involved in agriculture? “My family raises and shows lambs and...

Rylie Bignar

Age: 15 Hometown: Prairie Grove, Ark.  Parents: Denise and Darren Bignar Siblings: Justin Terry, Joshua Terry, Makayla Terry and Makenzie Kidd FFA Chapter: Prairie Grove FFA FFA Advisor: Clint Hale...

Charlotte Koller

• Age: 15 • Hometown: Alma, Ark. • Parent: Melissa Koller • 4-H Club: Alma 4-H Club • Club leader: Melissa Koller What is your involvement in agriculture?  “I have...

Torrance Fortenberry

Hometown: Cecil, Ark.  Age: 13 Parents: Shawn and April Fortenberry 4-H Clubs: Rancho Round-up, Franklin County Vet Science and +Teen Leaders FFA Chapter: County Line FFA How are you involved on your farm?  “We raise...

Mary Dunn

Age: 14 Hometown: Mansfield, Ark. Parents: Julie and Chris Dunn Siblings: Emily Dunn 4-H Club: Dayton 4-H Club Leader: Brittany Slate What is your involvement in agriculture?  “I mainly show poultry, but have...

Evan Seay

Age: 18 Hometown: Jasper, Ark. Parents: Kenny and Sonya Seay Sibling: Samantha Seay Home FFA chapter: Jasper FFA, currently serving as the Arkansas FFA Northwest District Vice-President Home Chapter advisor: Mason Dorrell What is...

Callie Lovell

Age: 8 Parents: Teala and Cody Lovell Hometown: Greenwood, Ark. 4-H Club: Dayton 4-H Club Club leader: Brittany Slate What is your involvement in agriculture?  “I’ve shown goats, sheep and rabbits,...
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