64.7 F
Monday, March 10, 2025

Extended Story Information

Here is a look at extended information and resources from various stories in the printed edition of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor.

Lawrence County Soils and Crops Conference

Farmers in southwest Missouri are invited to attend the 87th Annual Lawrence County Soils and Crops Conference from 6 p.m. to 9 p.m., Jan....

Resources on Starting a Hobby Farm

According to ATTRA: The average age of farmers continues to rise, but alongside this trend is an emerging new face of agriculture. The new...

Oklahoma Cost-share Programs

Looking for more information on cost-share programs for Oklahoma landowners, check out this website. 

Arkansas Cost-share Programs

Learn more about cost-share programs for private landowners online here.   

No-Till on the Plains

For more information on No-Till on the Plains go online to http://www.notill.org/.

Missouri Cost-Share Program

A portion of the parks, soils and water sales tax is used for Missouri landowners to install soil and water conservation practices, which are...

Little Buster: Farm & Ranch Store for Kids

  Little Buster: Farm & Ranch Store for KidsLittle Buster Toys was founded in 2008 in Southwest Missouri with the idea that kids...


Beef producers will see what happens to their product on the way to the supermarket meat case in a workshops, Jan. 11 – 13, 2011, at the meats lab at the University of Missouri.
“Producers can learn what adds value to their product,” said Carol Lorenzen, MU Extension meat specialist. “They will see the process from live animal to carcass to retail package.”
The “Show-Me Beef University” workshops are sponsored by MU Extension in cooperation with the Missouri Beef Industry Council. The classes will help producers think beyond the farm gate to learn what consumers want when buying beef.  “Too often, beef producers never think about what affects quality. Few think of what happens to their calves, once they leave the farm,” said David Patterson, MU Extension beef reproduction specialist.

Bermuda Hay Contest Entries Due Nov. 5

The Benton County “Quality Forage” Committee will host the annual Bermuda Hay Contest. The guidelines for participating are:-  Producers may enter one or more...

Ozark Food Security Summit Held in Springfield

Ozark Food Security Summit Held in Springfield, Mo. Oct. 1-2A group of politicians, business owners, farmers and families came together for a food independence...
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