58.5 F
Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Making a Master Plan

Strategizing for the present and the future As exciting as it may be to jump headfirst into a new construction project on the farm, pausing...

The Lay of the Land

Choosing the best building site The perfect place on a producers’ property for their next building project may not be the spot they originally had...

Understanding a Blueprint

Blueprints don’t have to be intimidating For individuals who are unfamiliar with construction, understanding blueprints for a construction project may seem intimidating.  A blueprint is a...

Estimates for Farm-Related Construction

Get detailed, thorough estimates from contractors Farmers come by the do-it-yourself attitude naturally. It’s pretty much in the job description. However, there are projects along...

Remodel or Raze?

Experts recommend producers evaluate several factors Whether a producer should renovate an existing structure or tear it down and build a new one, depends on...

Are You Ready for Joint Replacement?

Talking with an orthopedic surgeon will help patients decide when the time is right Farmers value independence. It’s one of the benefits of the job....

Tick-Borne Illnesses on the Rise

Tick bites can cause a life-threatening food allergy Imagine grilling steaks for dinner and suffering from hives by bedtime.  Ticks are already thick this year, and...

An Easy Trip to the Doctor

Producers can visit their health-care provider and never get off the tractor  Many of today’s farmers rely on technology. GPS applications are helping them get...

Beefing Up Rate of Gain

Increasing pounds on calves Improving the rate of gain in calves requires a balanced approach. Before taking any action, first look to determine if the...

Testing Proven Bulls

Strategies to ensure breeding soundness in older bulls Many producers managing cow/calf operations rely on herd sires to do their part to keep the operation...
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