Stark family continues the family tradition of raising cattle
EL DORADO SPRINGS, MO. – Hesston and Fallyn Stark own a 200-head cattle farm outside of El Dorado Springs, Missouri. The young couple acquired the land, around 700 acres, scattered between Lowry City and El Dorado Springs, nearly six years ago. Hesston and his younger brother grew up on a cattle farm in the El Dorado Springs area. Hesston’s wife, Fallyn, who did not grow up on a farm, has eagerly gained the knowledge and appreciation of cattle ranching, in efforts to help run this family-owned business.
Growing up on a farm with his father and younger brother, Hesston revealed that he always wanted to work in agriculture. As a young boy, doing chores with his father, he loved the daily routine of life on a farm. His younger brother also owns a local farm and the two Stark brothers’ partner in many areas, as well as continue to assist their father on the original family farm in which they grew up.
Hesston Stark attended Fort Scott Community College, where he majored in Farm and Ranch Management. Hesston commented on the several changes he has witnessed over the years, which have impacted their current operation. Learning through trial and error, they presently raise all the hay they need on their land. Providing their own forage for the cattle they raise is one distinct difference from the farm in which he grew up compared to the farm he owns today.
The Starks’ do not have any permanent employees on their farm besides themselves, although they occasionally provide summer jobs to teenage boys when bailing their own hay.
“The farm, in the summer months, is pretty relaxed,” according to Hesston Stark.

“Bailing hay is the main operation during the summer.”
They also lease several additional acres where they graze cattle during the summer.
The winter months on the Stark farm involves feeing cattle, which are scattered out at differing pastures located near their home base.
Hesstons wife, Fallyn also stays very busy on the family farm along with his sister-in-law.
“My wife is very involved. There is nothing she can’t do in relation to our day-to-day operations. She pulls the trailer, is often on a horse out in the field, and assists with feeding the cattle.”
Hesston Stark encourages children and young adults with an interest in agriculture to surround themselves with people they admire.
“If you have your sights set on something and know someone successful in that arena, work for them, follow them, make them your mentor. When you surround yourself with people on the path most desirable to you, chances are greater that you “The greatest part of owning a farm is that you get to meet a lot of great folks”, said Hesston Stark.
He went on to share that earlier in the week he visited a recent widow, whose husband had managed their farm for nearly 50 years. His wife was, unfortunately, unaware of the daily running of the farm and thus, Hesston stepped in to assist with appraisals for the cattle, a job he does fairly frequently.
“Always try to help people, in farming, and in life. It may not come back around in the moment, but it will eventually”, shared Hesston Stark.
In addition to running a farm, Hesston Stark is a regional sales representative for Mo-Kan Livestock Market in Butler, Missouri. He markets cattle, herd bulls, and calves and he performs cattle appraisals routinely. Hesston loves this area of business as it allows him to break away from the daily running of his farm and meet a host of new people, all with a shared interest in farming.
The Stark Family has one little boy named Kixton, who will turn two years old in January. They hope their son will inherit their desire for agriculture and their mutual love for farming, inspired by at least two generations of Stark’s, and take over managing their family-run operation one day.
When asked what the young farming couple hope their son learns from growing up in the agriculture business, Hesston said,

“I hope he (Kixton) learns what I learned growing up on a farm. To work hard, be diligent, take pride in what you do, whether farming, playing sports, academics, or whatever you are doing. If you are going to do something, give it your all.”
He went on to share that his life mentality has always been,
“Forge forward with a head of steam”, which he credits to the way of life he knew growing up on the family farm.
Hesston Stark attributes his father and grandfather, who both ran their own family farms, for being his most inspiring childhood mentors and encouragers. He further shared his pride in buying a farm after college and marrying his wife, who has always been supportive and helpful in running their family-owned business.
“Fallyn really deserves the credit for where our business is today. She also tends to go after what she wants with a head of steam, and I could not do what I do without her”.
Fallyn Stark shared that she is a ‘get your hands dirty’ kind of girl and while she has spent several years working in the local community bank, she will soon take on a new role as CEO of their home and right-hand woman to her husband on their growing cattle farm.
“We honestly love working alongside one another, she said. “We are both very stubborn but wouldn’t trade our relationship for the world.”
Clearly, this strong work ethic and self-proclaimed ‘stubborn’ mentality works for the Stark’s, as their burgeoning cattle farm will attest.
When asked about their future plans.
“We definitely don’t want to take on more than we can handle ourselves,” Hesston shared, “But the plan is to expand, with both land and cattle.