Paradeis Cattle Company strives for productive show qualtiy cattle
SARCOXIE, MO. – When Derek Paradeis reflects on their cattle program and what they have accomplished, much of the credit goes to his parents, Terry and Robin and their commitment to raising quality Simmental cattle.
“Mom and dad have one of the lowest American Simmental Association membership numbers in North America.” Derek continued, “I am proud of them and their commitment to breeding high quality cattle.”
Paradeis Cattle company raises Simmental, Sim/Angus and Limousin cattle in Sarcoxie, Missouri. Their herd focuses on show quality black Sim/Angus, Simmental black baldies and Limousin cattle.
Terry grew up in southeast Colorado on a dryland wheat farm where his family farm harvested about 1 out of every 5 years. As one of the last draftees of the Vietnam war, when Terry came home from the Army in 1972, he was intrigued by the Fullblood Simmental cattle the neighbor was raising.
“They were just so impressive in looks and docility. The growth was huge, and they were so big at weaning.” Terry recounted.
Terry was hooked on the Simmental breed and several years later he was showing cattle at the National Western Stock Show in Denver Colorado. He was approached by a well-known breeder who asked him to come back to Missouri for 30 days and help halter break some sale cattle. Terry was then hired on as the ranch manager and was with them until they sold out a couple of years later.
Terry met Robin in 1980 while fitting cattle at the Ozark Empire Fair in Springfield, Mo. and they spent several years traveling around the country fitting sale and show cattle for others. When they settled down on their 40 acres in southwest Missouri they set about raising their own herd of Simmental and Limousin cattle.
Their breeding program is one hundred percent artificial insemination (AI), which Terry has been doing since the 70s. They also utilize embryo transplant (ET) on the top end of their females.
Terry says they look at everything when selecting bulls for their breeding program.
“The blacks are more popular at the sale barn and bring more money at market and the black white-face are easy to sell.” Terry adds, “We like decent numbers on the EPDs, but it is not our main focus.”
“Structurally correct, balanced cattle is what we look for and docility. If the feet and legs aren’t right, we don’t want them.”
Terry worked for the soil and water conservation and retired after 25 years, and it was always important to be good stewards of the land.
“About 20 years ago, we put in an intensive grazing system. We have a good buildup of organic matter in the soil to keep it growing and we always have a stockpile of fescue, even during the drought years.” Terry continued, “Take care of the soil and it will take care of you, and don’t overstock.”
Terry explains that when it comes to marketing, his son Derek is the main marketer utilizing livestock shows, Facebook, online sale formats and word of mouth to get their cattle promoted. Derek also spends a lot of time working with the youth to help them be successful with their show stock.
“Derek is always willing to help anyone that needs some clipping or fitting on a show calf and he is really good with the kids.” Terry says.
Derek meets with his clients and customers in the fall and they go over and discuss their goals, budgets and the shows they want to attend.
“I want to make sure my customers and kids are getting what they want in a calf and making sure they are happy with their purchases.” Derek explained.
He is proud of the accomplishments and success they have had themselves in the show ring.
“Our first Limousin female, dad AI’d her and that bull calf was the Champion overall at the Ft. Worth Stock Show. That one cow has had a lot of high sellers and winners since then.”
Derek says their future plans are to expand on their ET program by broadening their recip cow base to grow their production. He says they will continue to keep breeding high quality Simmental and Limousin cattle to the best of their ability and marketing show cattle to the youth.