Age: 18
Hometown: Conway, Mo.
Siblings: Lane Doing, Kaleb Doing, Charlie Doing, Kaylee Keen, Kelsey Keen, and Kyler Keen
Parents: Travis and Jessica Doing, Kristen and Brian Keen
FFA Chapter: Conway FFA
Advisors: Mary Anne Keck and William Jemes
What is your involvement in agriculture? “I raise beef cattle on my fifth-generation farm, and I show cattle also. I was involved in FFA all throughout high school and served as both chapter historian and chapter vice president. My responsibilities on the farm are to rinse both of my steers every morning and evening, I am also responsible for feeding our donkey, horse, feeder calves, my little sister’s show sheep, and my own show cattle. When I am not working with my show cattle, I am either helping other various show cattle companies or working my job at Jonesy’s Travel Center as a waitress.”
What is your favorite thing about being involved in agriculture? “My favorite thing about being involved in ag is the responsibility it teaches people. It shows that you have something relying on you and gives you something to get out of bed for. I also like how you can meet so many different people at shows and develop those connections that can last you a lifetime.”
Future Plans: Maysen is starting her first year attending Missouri State University this fall. She plans to study to become a bovine and equine embryologist and seeks to help improve the genetic lines for both her production and others in the industry. She also recently attended AI school and received a certification for artificially inseminating cattle.
Awards: Maysen is a recipient of the Missouri State FFA Degree, which she was awarded this past April at the Missouri State FFA Convention. She was also the Area 10 winner for a state proficiency award in the area of Agriculture Services. Additionally, she was nominated to compete at the state level for Star Agribusiness and was the Area 10 winner for this award.