Age: 18
Hometown: Inola, Okla.
Parents: TJ and Polly Helling
Siblings: Caleb, Isabelle and Titus
FFA Chapter: Inola FFA
Advisors: Maggie Brown and Michael Wetherell
What is your involvement in agriculture?
“Agriculture has been a part of my life in some way since I was born. From a young age, I remember frequently visiting my grandpa in Kansas to help him with daily chores around the farm. As I entered high school, I found myself intrigued with the idea of enrolling in an agricultural education class and becoming an FFA member. Throughout my years as a member, I discovered my growing passion for the agriculture industry. I became involved in several competitive events such as prepared public speaking, employment skills, commercial cattle grading, horse evaluation and agricultural communications. Outside of contests, I also attended several leadership camps, participated in chapter community service events, created an elementary ag literacy program and was on the chapter officer team for three years. During my senior year, I decided to give livestock showing a try and attended several shows throughout the fall with my two show goats. Being an FFA member has allowed me countless opportunities to witness and learn about agriculture in a different light than I had before, which is an experience I will always be grateful for.”
Anna Jo was recently elected a state officer for the Oklahoma FFA association.
What is your favorite part of being involved in agriculture?
“My favorite part of being involved in agriculture has been the family that comes along with the industry. Throughout my time in the FFA, I have witnessed countless moments of kindness as agriculturists have helped on another. I love the camaraderie that I have found with various people through our industry.”
What are your future plans?
“I will be attending Oklahoma State University to pursue a double major in agricultural education and animal science. My goal is to start a career within the agriculture industry that will allow me to educate the next generation of agriculturists.”
Awards: Oklahoma FFA State Degree; Oklahoma FFA Academic Excellence; State Champion Agricultural Education Proficiency; Reserve State Champion Employment Skills; Northeast Area Prepared Public Speaking – first place in Ag Policy; and Northeast Area Extemporaneous Public Speaking- third place