OFN Staff Favorite

• 1 graham cracker pie crust

• 1 envelope unflavored gelatin

• 1/4 C cold water

• 4 egg yokes, lightly beaten

• 1 C sugar

• 6 Tbsp lemon juice

• 1/2 tsp salt

• 1 tsp grated lemon rind

• 4 egg whites, stiffly beaten

• 1/2 C heavy cream, whipped

Soften gelatin in cold water for three minutes. Combine egg yokes, 1/2 C sugar, lemon juice and salt in the top of a double broiler. Stir over boiling water until sugar is dissolved. Stir in softened gelatin and lemon rind. Cool until mixture begins to thicken. Fold remaining sugar into egg whites and fold into lemon mixture. Pour into chilled or baked graham cracker pie crust. Chill until firm. Topped with whipped cream. 

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