Owner: David King
Location: Springdale, Ark.
Director of Marketing and Business Operations: Tracey Rosenau (pictured)
History: David King grew up fishing with his family on Beaver Lake in Washington County, Ark. After moving away from his lake home during his teen and young adult years, he returned to the area 15 years later. Excited to pass on the angling tradition to his children, he was shocked to discover how much of the natural structure had disappeared. In an effort to be a steward of the lake that had provided so many memorable experiences, he embarked on a journey of doing his part to replace the dwindling habitat.
The pursuit of providing the best artificial fish habitat available led to numerous product designs, extensive raw material research, and manufacturing experimentation before arriving at the end results that MossBack has today.
Products: “We offer an extensive product line whether placing products to provide ambush points for your trophy sport fish and/or creating maximum protection for your baitfish and fry,” director of marketing and business operations Tracey Rosenau said. “Taking time to add texture to the entire surface means scuffed trunk surfaces and textured limbs are ideal for promoting and maintaining algae growth. Our V-shaped limbs also promote the collection of sediment thereby also increasing algae growth. Our products become both habitat and a food source for the fish. The use of natural colors blends with the surroundings and mimics natural habitat so fish easily adapt to the new environment. Another advantage of the V-limb shape is significantly reducing angler snagging when compared to natural habitat such as fallen tree limbs. Because our product assembly is less labor-intensive than other artificial habitat, we have uniform construction which insures consistency. An important advantage of these products is value adding to farms and ranches. Our customer base is diverse. One portion is federal and state programs with another being anglers competing in tournaments or as individuals perhaps inviting friends and family. Adapted versions for dock and pier owners are movable and reusable with a cable to lower and/or raise the habitats.”
Philosophy and future: “Many businesses say they want to do what is best for their customers but don’t actually follow through,” Tracey said. “We treat customers as we would like to be treated, and they thank us frequently. We also are deeply committed to helping the environment because fish habitats, like so many others, are disappearing. At the moment our company has huge momentum and growth. We are gaining brand recognition and expanding with future development including more varieties of products around the corner.”