Darryl and Gerrie Moore say there is more to farming than making a profit

Darryl and Gerrie Moore are owners and operators of Moore Farms, just off of T Highway in Taney County, Mo., northeast of Branson. Darryl inherited it when his father, Dennis Moore, passed away in 2012, dividing the family farm up between Darryl and his five siblings. Dennis was well known in the local community for his garage, Denny’s Auto Service, which is now owned by Darryl’s brother, David.

Going back further in time, Darryl said that Moore Farms has been in his family for almost a century. “My aunt and uncle, Anna and Hardy Goodall, bought this place in the 1930s.” He also noted that the barn on their property was built in the 1930s, and another barn on land belonging to David was built as far back as the 1800s. In fact, the geographical area that Moore Farms rests on boasts a rich history from those days.

Darryl spoke of the Springfield-Harrison road, a road traveled in the 19th century by those passing through the area by horse or mule. It crossed the bottom of the Moore Farms property, and travelers would stop at one of the springs found on their land for water. The road continued on from there, crossing by ferry what was then called the White River, now Lake Taneycomo.

The Moores are proud of that historical aspect of the farm they now own and operate. Moore Farms is a modest operation, involving 15 to 30 head of cattle, 11 goats and 1 llama named Oreo. Of the 133 acres, only a fraction is currently pastureland. With help from friends, the Moores are changing some of the forest and brush into pasture to soon allow for more grazing and baling hay.

The cattle they raise consists of black and red baldies bred by a red Hereford bull. Although they don’t regulate the breeding, Darryl said they are lucky in that most calves have been born in the spring and the fall. They will sell calves, steers and heifers at the sale barn or, occasionally, to individuals.

Gerrie keeps a variety of goats at the farm, including Myotonic (fainting) and Nubian goats, and the billy of the herd is a Pygmy. They like the goats’ ability to eat the underbrush on their property, and it also brings enjoyment to visitors. “(The goats and llama are) one of the attractions on T-30,” Gerrie said. “Everybody wants pictures with them.”

Although Gerrie sells some of the kids, the small amount of animal sales do not afford a real profit for the Moores. While they tend the farm daily, their main source of income comes from full time jobs elsewhere. Darryl works for Taney County Roads & Bridges, and Gerrie is a REALTOR®.

Rather than monetary value, however, the Moores find other, more sentimental kinds of value in the farm. The history of the place, as mentioned above, is one. There is also the memory for Darryl, as he has worked on the farm since childhood. “I remember coming down here when I was a kid with my aunt and my uncle and being in this place, building a fence, even birthing calves,” Darryl recalled.

The Moores also enjoy giving photo opportunities to the couples walking down from the nearby Focus on the Family Retreat Center. The couples visiting the retreat center especially like to take pictures with Oreo. “He puts a smile on everybody’s face,” Gerrie said.

One of the most valuable aspects of the farm is the ability to preserve the tradition for their children and grandchildren. They enjoy in particular giving their grandchildren the experience of life without modern technology and entertainment. For example, Darryl said a calf they were bottlefeeding gave them a great opportunity to involve their grandchildren in caring for an animal. “That’s the enjoyment out of the farm we get,” Darryl explained. “And now we’re watching the kids grow into that.”

Gerrie said they plan to pass the farm on to their children, Dennis and Jammie, making it then a four-generation farm. Their son Dennis has in fact already begun building a home for his family on a five-acre plot of the property. In that way, Darryl and Gerrie have already begun the process of passing on the farm and its rich Ozarks history, and while it may not have a high monetary yield, it does have high value with the Moores.


  1. I too was raised on a farm and learned so much working with my Dad and Mom. We raised cows,pigs,and planted thousands of pine trees to replace trees that had been harvested by others. We no longer have the farm, a place we all miss dearly, but having a young couple with kids running through those woods and fields, well, it makes me proud! Pass on the love of our land, Moore Family! It is just one of God’s precious gifts to us.


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