Looking for information about helping to finance your farming dream? Following are just a few of many online tools that help new farmers and ranchers better manage their businesses and their lives.
* FarmAnswers.org, produced by the University of Minnesota and funded by the USDA’s Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Grant Program, offers several key food-safety guides.
* The Internal Revenue Service (IRS.gov) has a special tax publication for farmers and ranchers, Publication 225.
* HealthCare.gov offers tools to help understand insurance options and other healthcare changes.
* Newfarmers.usda.gov/discovery: Take the quiz, and learn about your options.
* Newfarmers.usda.gov/get-connected: Sign up and get free e-mail alert service, learn the whereabouts of hundreds of USDA Service Centers as well as connect with Cooperative Extensions and the Small Business Administration.