Waves of emotion are crashing over me as I sit down to write my final column as the managing editor of Ozarks Farm & Neighbor. It’s hard to believe that three and a half years ago I was writing my first column for OFN. It’s been a wonderful journey over the years and I have truly enjoyed filling the pages of this wonderful paper with stories of the Ozarks.
I am forever grateful for the many things this job has taught me. OFN has allowed me to expand my production agriculture knowledge farther than I ever thought possible. Thanks to the multi-species focus of OFN, I am able to take with me valuable resources and knowledge that will help me as I continue my career in agriculture.
Thank you to every farmer who has opened up their farm and allowed me to share their story. Thank you to the readers who have called in to share ideas or an encouraging word. Thank you to the businesses, professors, extension specialists and countless others who have shared their expertise and provided a resource for OFN. Thank you to the writers who have shared their talents and made my job easier. Thank you to the staff that has become my second family – it’s been a pleasure. To everyone I’ve met along the way – thank you! You’ve all made my time with OFN special and I will always cherish these experiences.
I trust that God has big things in store for me as I close the door to OFN and head out on a different path.
I am confident that I am leaving OFN and our readers in good hands. Please allow me to introduce the very talented and successful woman who will be taking my place, Mrs. Julie Turner-Crawford.

Julie is a native of the Ozarks, having grown up in Dallas County, Mo., on her family’s commercial cow/calf operation. Julie is no stranger to the show ring or the hard work this lifestyle requires. She is an award-winning writer and photographer who has spent many years in the newspaper industry. Her driven attitude and passion for agriculture will fit in seamlessly with OFN and I have no doubt that Julie is going to do great things with the paper. Until our paths cross again, keep it country.

Best wishes,



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