Lewis Livestock Auction Co.

Location:  Conway, Ark

History:  Every Tuesday since 1940 there has been cattle running through the sale ring of the Lewis Livestock Auction Co. in Conway, Ark. The barn was started by Major Lewis and Homer Brown in downtown Conway. Buyers and sellers alike would line the streets of downtown on sale day until 1977 when the facilities relocated just off of Interstate 40. Ray Hambuchen and Wayne Lasley now own the barn. Wayne has been with the barn since its’ relocation and is currently the manager. Wayne and his wife, Nancy, who has worked in the office since 1979, have made this a family adventure. Their daughter and son-in-law have both worked full-time at the barn since 2002. Brandi, their daughter, works in the office, and her husband, Buddy Smith, is the assistant manager at the barn.

Main Services:  On any given Tuesday you can find cattle, goats, horses and hogs making their way through the Lewis Livestock sale barn. The sale barn offers trucking for shipping and gathering for those people who need it. The barn also has an annual bull sale every December. The bull sale was started in the mid 90s and has been held in conjunction with the Arkansas Cattlemen’s Bred Heifer sale for the last three years.

Customer Service Policies:
1. “We’re a place where buyers and sellers meet,” Nancy Lasley.
2. “We’re on a first name basis with our customers and we will maintain a reputation with our customers that honesty is the best policy,” Buddy Smith.
3.“We will continue to serve our customers,” Wayne Lasley.

Story and Photo by Chantel McClung


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