School: Senior at Ozark High School
FFA Advisors: Heath Wright, Travis Phipps
Parents: Amy & Brad Mackey
FFA Office: President of the approximately 250-member chapter
Awards: Received 3rd place in state horse judging, Greenhand and Chapters Degrees and will receive State degree spring 2011
What chapter activities does the Ozark FFA offer?
“Since we don’t come from a big farming community, we try to get the kids that don’t farm involved, so we have some fun activities and do petting zoos at the elementary schools to get the little kids interested in animals. We do a safety day at the junior high every year, where they come out during their PE classes and we talk to them about tractor and ATV safety,” explained Aly.
What is your SAE (Supervised Agricultural Experience)?
“My SAE is working at my grandma’s dairy farm and showing my horses.”
Describe the work you do on the farm: “I take care of all the calves and I scrape the barns. I help with hay and corn in the summer. I show my horses in local shows, and this past summer my uncle and I helped the Amish with threshing.”
Future plans: “I plan on going to College of the Ozarks, majoring in agribusiness or animal science, and then doing something in agriculture.”
Story and Photos by Jane Kinser