Jerry Glor

In Town:  Jerry Glor Appraisal Service offers mostly rural appraisals. While the majority of Jerry’s work is done on farm properties, he also appraises some commercial and residential properties. Jerry performs appraisals for the owners of the property, for lenders, for estates and he has had to do a lot of litigation cases, divorces and other law suits requiring a property appraisal. Jerry works in approximately 20 counties in southwest and south central Missouri. “As an appraiser, you never make everyone happy, but we do it honestly and fairly.”

In the Country:  Jerry is a Beefmaster producer. His focus in the Beefmaster breed is “black, homozygous Beefmasters, which are relatively new in the Beefmaster breed. These traits have been brought in by upgrading.” Jerry sells a lot of bulls, all homozygous and black in color. He runs around 25 cows on a property in Polk County. He is active in Beefmaster Breeders United and several other regional and state Beefmaster associations.

Why are appraisals important for farm families?
“An appraisal is an estimation of value. We use comparable sales and other data to get an estimation. It is very helpful for farmers to know the value of their property. They could easily overprice or underprice a farm for sale. One family I worked with was considering selling their farm to a renter for $500/acre. I appraised their land worth at $1,100/acre, and they got that for it. People might think they know what their land is worth, but even $100 difference per acre will more than cover the cost of an appraisal.”

What are your projects at the farm?
“I’ve been improving a lot. I’m doing rotational grazing, I’ve got it divided up into 10-acre pastures. I have hay out, and I always have breeder mineral mix and tubs for (my cattle). I give them a complete ration mixed for me by MFA at Buffalo. They’re well fed.”
By OFN Staff


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