37.5 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Oklahoma gearing up to sponsor 35th Annual Horticulture Industries Show


For more than three decades, the HIS has consistently provided growers and the public with the latest information on vegetables, fruit, Christmas trees, farmers market crops and public gardening issues. The public and growers from Arkansas, Oklahoma and surrounding states are welcome to attend.

Jeff Moyer, a world-renowned authority in organic...

White-tailed Deer Management Workshop slated early December


Scheduled for Dec. 3, Oklahoma State University is hosting a White-tailed Deer Management Workshop, where land managers and hunters alike can come digest information on the most popular game species in Oklahoma. The workshop is free and will take place from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Payne County Expo Center Community Building at the northeast...

Horse management seminar slated Dec. 12


The seminar will take place from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Totusek Arena located west of the OSU campus.

Kris Hiney, OSU Cooperative Extension equine specialist, said the seminar is geared toward exhibitors, managers and volunteers who are involved with 4-H and Open Horse Shows.

“This seminar will help educate those involved with the horse shows about...

Plenty of quail for everyone


The Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation conducted its annual roadside surveys in August and October, which indicate the statewide quail population index is up 59.5 percent from last year. Even more encouraging is the quail population index is up 353.9 percent from the 2013 survey results.

“The numbers we have this fall are as high as O...

Deer season underway in state


The primary means of managing game species has long been through sport hunting.  Deer hunting provides most of the revenue for all wildlife management in Oklahoma, through license sales and federal excise taxes on manufacturers of sporting arms and ammunition.

“Deer hunting also helps to control the size of the deer population,” said Sue Fairbanks,...

OSU professor recognized for excellence in education


Lou Anella, ornamentals professor in OSU’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, and director of the The Botanic Garden at OSU, has been named the recipient of the 2015 Excellence in Education Award by the Irrigation Foundation.

This award recognizes a person who is actively teaching irrigation, water management and/or water...

‘Match made in heaven’ and OSU pays dividends to future generations


Forty years later, Larry and Kayleen Ferguson are giving back to the university they credit as an impetus for so much of the success they have had in their lives.

“We have a responsibility to the betterment of future generations,” Kayleen said. “You have to work hard, but you have to pass it on as well. It’s not yours to keep. It’s not yours to hold...

Safety issues to consider when hunting


While avid hunters are eager to get out in the wild, there are several safety issues they should consider as hunting season ramps up, said Dwayne Elmore, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension wildlife specialist.

“Always wear a fall restraint harness when using an elevated stand,” he said. “This includes climbing into and out of the elevat...

Horse Science Academy combines science and math with horse management


The academy will take place Nov. 21 at the Totusek Arena in Stillwater. Kris Hiney, OSU Cooperative Extension equine specialist, said the academy will focus on using STEM principles to make economical, ethical and sustainable decisions regarding equine health care and management.

“There will be some classroom teaching during the workshop, but the m...

Fall is in the air but the leaves are on the...


Another sure sign fall has arrived is all of the leaves on the lawn, said David Hillock, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension consumer horticulturist.

“For years, many people simply raked and bagged the leaves before hauling them to the landfill. Unfortunately, bagged leaves don’t do much more than take up valuable landfill space. How...

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