65.9 F
Friday, March 14, 2025

Lights on Stillwater seeks vendors


Lights on Stillwater, a favorite event for the Oklahoma State University community for more than 20 years, is set for Wednesday, August 20, and organizers are looking for vendors who wish to participate.
Lights on Stillwater allows local businesses and organizations the opportunity to interact with OSU students the first week of the fall semester....

Alpha Omicron Pi earns excellence award


Though the Omega Sigma Chapter of Alpha Omicron Pi at Oklahoma State University is only two years old, the chapter was the recipient of several awards at the sorority’s leadership institute held recently in Nashville.  

The chapter was awarded the Ruby Level Standards of Excellence, the highest level a chapter can receive, as well as...

OSU sorority recognized at national convention


OSU sorority recognized at national convention Members of the Beta Zeta chapter of Kappa Alpha Theta at Oklahoma State University networked with counterparts and accepted two awards on behalf of the chapter before returning from the sorority's national convention in Orlando, Florida, earlier this month. The OSU chapter received the Silver Kite Award for Overall Chapter Excellence and the...

OSU faculty, students travel to Africa for entrepreneurial project


OSU faculty, students travel to Africa for entrepreneurial project A group of faculty members and students from Oklahoma State University will travel to Africa this month as part of an entrepreneurial and cultural exchange program funded by the U.S. Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs.

The focus of the project is to create professional relationships and learning experiences between U.S. entrepreneurs and...

OSU hosts Family and Consumer Sciences Education Academy


OSU hosts Family and Consumer Sciences Education Academy Eight Oklahoma high school students learned about the field of family and consumer sciences (FCS) during a week-long academy hosted recently by the College of Human Sciences at Oklahoma State University. The inaugural Family and Consumer Sciences Education Academy also have students a look at related career opportunities available through the...

Free smoke alarms and alert equipment offer help for the hearing...


The Oklahoma Assistive Technology Foundation (OkAT) has received a grant that will provide free installation of specialized smoke alarms and alert equipment in the homes of individuals with hearing impairments in a 24-county area. OkAT has partnered with Oklahoma ABLE Tech and Fire Protection Publications at Oklahoma State University to implement...

OSU Chief Wellness Officer to discuss work-life balance


Suzy Harrington, Chief Wellness Officer at Oklahoma State University, will discuss how to better balance work and personal lives during the Stillwater Chamber of Commerce’s monthly Business@Lunch, a business educational program presented by corporate leaders. As America’s Healthiest Campus, Harrington is leading the charge as OSU works to improve t...

Get creative to consume enough fruits and vegetables


Although most people know they should eat more fruits and vegetables each day, many do not.

Fruits and vegetables are a vital part of any diet because they provide necessary nutrients, are high in dietary fiber, and low in calories, fat and cholesterol, said Janice Hermann, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension nutrition specialist. 


American Heart Association recognizes Oklahoma State University as fit-friendly, innovative workplace


The American Heart Association has recognized Oklahoma State University as a Gold Fit-Friendly Worksite and awarded OSU the Worksite Innovation Award. The award honors OSU for going above and beyond when it comes to employees’ health.

The Gold Level Fit-Friendly Worksite singles out employers that fulfill criteria such as offering employees...

OSU announces spring 2014 graduates


Oklahoma State University awarded degrees to a total of 3,230 students this past spring, including 2,325 Oklahomans, according to the Office of the Registrar. 

Graduates are listed by their designated hometowns, along with degree and subject area. Degrees earned with distinction - summa cum laude (with highest honor), magna cum laude (with...

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