43 F
Monday, March 10, 2025

Former Payne County 4-H’er competes internationally


Brogan Williams, a nine-year veteran of the 4-H program in Payne County, said she got involved in the Oklahoma 4-H Youth Development Program at an early age and had been active in the horse club. However, one day she picked up a flier advertising an upcoming archery workshop and it set her life on a different course.

“I had tried several different t...

Rose rosette disease workshop slated Sept. 10 at OSU-OKC


Those who are wanting to get more information on rose rosette disease, the treatment for it and how to help prevent it, have an opportunity to learn more at the Rose Rosette Disease Workshop, said Mike Schnelle, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension floriculture specialist.

This informative workshop will take place Sept. 10 from 1 p.m. to...

OSU releases app to aid wildlife managers with food plot decisions


Over the next couple months food plots will be planted, and with the help of a new app from Oklahoma State University, anyone interested in wildlife management now has food plot information at their fingertips.

“The OSU Food Plot app includes information regarding white-tailed deer, wild turkey, northern bobwhite, mourning dove, ring-necked p...

Treated seed a key need for wheat growers


The fungal disease poses no threat to people or animals but it can reduce yields. In addition, some countries that buy U.S. wheat have import restrictions on grain produced in areas where flag smut is known to occur.

Bob Hunger, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension small grains pathologist, said wheat growers who treat their seed with a...

DASNR names award winners


The division’s reputation and influence depends greatly upon the achievements and excellence of its alumni, as well as other leaders who are not alums of the college, but contribute to its mission.

Recognized as 2015 Distinguished Alumni of the College of Agricultural Sciences and Natural Resources are Minnie Lou Bradley, James Kennamer and Bob...

There is value in sportfishing


According to a U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service report on outdoor recreation in 2014, Oklahomans spend more total days fishing than wildlife watching and hunting combined. Anglers spend more than $800 million annually on fishing-related purchases, generating $77 million in state and local tax revenue and supporting more than 11,000 jobs.

“One of the m...

Certified Crop Advisor CEUs available through Aug. 18 irrigation conference


“The conference is a good place to pick up four Soil and Water Management CEUs, an opportunity that can be hard to find, while also gaining the latest research-based insights and information about many irrigation-related subjects,” said David Nowlin, Caddo County Extension director. 

The conference will take place from 9:30 a.m. to approximately...

Dividing and replanting iris will enhance flower production

Irises are relatively carefree, easy to grow and long-lived perennials, said David Hillock, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension consumer horticulturist.
“When they are well cared for, they need to be divided about every three to four years,” Hillock said. “Crowded iris will begin to decline growth and will have fewer, as well as small...

Fresher, tastier choices coming to school cafeterias this fall


This summer, approximately 400 school nutrition professionals from about 80 schools took advantage of regional training sessions offered at six sites statewide as part of the Cooking for Kids culinary training program.

“School meals have trended like our home meals with more fast food and convenience foods. Not only have our households lost cooking...

Food safety is important when it comes to packing school lunches


While the temperatures are still very summery, it is time once again to get serious about reading, writing and arithmetic.

In addition to learning, the school lunch also is an important aspect of every child’s school day, said Barbara Brown, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension food safety specialist.

“The food your children eat at lunch i...

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