45 F
Sunday, March 9, 2025

Prepare you home for cold winter months


In order to keep your home comfortable in the winter without spending a fortune on heating costs, now is the time to get your home ready for the winter season, said Gina Peek, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension housing and consumer specialist.

“Home energy costs can consume a large portion of your budget. There are steps homeowners s...

Register now to attend Oct. 30 Rural Economic Outlook Conference at...


Honored as an adviser and teacher before his retirement from New Mexico State University, Catlett has been a consultant for the U.S. departments of agriculture, defense, interior and labor, as well as many Fortune 500 companies.

“This is an outstanding opportunity to hear and interact with Dr. Catlett, who is an exciting speaker with insights on t...

Tree Care Issues conference slated Oct. 29


Trees can be extremely valuable, so proper care is essential. In an effort to convey information about proper tree care, Oklahoma State University’s Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture is hosting a Tree Care Issues workshop Oct. 29.

Mike Schnelle, OSU Cooperative Extension floriculture specialist, said the workshop is geared...

Noted global water issues expert speaks with OSU agriculture students


“Water security is an important determinant of food security and an indicator of economic development,” said Shida Henneberry, MIAP director & OSU Regents professor. “Ken’s foundation has made a significant impact in the world and I am glad he was able to share his experiences with our MIAP Applied International Agricultural Issues class.”


Protect your shrubs from the extreme cold


David Hillock, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension consumer horticulturist, said although many trees, shrubs and perennials go dormant for the winter, fluctuating temperatures, intense sun, low soil moisture and dry, windy conditions can be quite hard on shrubs. This is particularly true for evergreens, which remain active during the...

A more holistic approach to animal research needed


For whatever reason, the vast majority of animal research has been conducted during a certain season – breeding season. To bring this to light, Scott Loss, assistant professor in Oklahoma State University’s Department of Natural Resource Ecology and Management, teamed up with Smithsonian Conservation Biology Institute scientists.

“The breeding s...

Learn more about recycling at Oklahoma Recycling Conference Oct. 20


The theme for this year’s conference is Taking It Back: Making Recycling Work for Oklahoma.

The conference is geared toward all Oklahoma residents, including Extension educators, municipal and county officials, recycling professionals, rural community members, K-12 and college educators and students interested in recycling or improving local...

Webworms in Oklahoma


Those webs, however, have nothing to do with spiders. Oklahoma is experiencing a wave of fall webworms, which have simply been more abundant than in years past.

“In some years we barely notice them at all,” said Eric Rebek, associate professor in Oklahoma State University’s Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology. “Some years are bigger than ot...

Help your pet live a healthy life


Dr. Elisabeth Giedt, director of Continuing Education, Extension and Community Engagement at the Center for Veterinary Health Sciences at Oklahoma State University, said while a pet owner’s intentions may be good, some practices they are doing may not be in the best interest of their dog.

“Our busy lifestyles can cause us to overlook some simple m...

It is time to treat for winter weeds


Weeds interfere with the beauty of your landscape and the function of turfgrass areas, said David Hillock, Oklahoma State University Cooperative Extension consumer horticulturist.

“If winter annual weeds, such as henbit, rescuegrass, cheat and annual bluegrass, have been a problem in the past, homeowners will definitely want to apply a preemergence...

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