77.9 F
Wednesday, September 18, 2024

On Call


Once again this year we are seeing a rise in the number of cases of rabies in our state. This year according to the Missouri Department of Health, the state has had 23 cases compared to 17 cases at this same time last year. Currently, four counties are on alert those counties are Bollinger, Howell, Oregon and Wayne. Alerts are issued when the disease has been reported in domestic animals. The majority of cases this year has been in skunks, with 15 positive. The remainder of these cases have been in domestic animals including horses, dogs and cats.

On Call


Flies are a well known and common pest to most all classes of livestock. With heat and humidity, flies thrive and this makes summer in the Ozarks a prime environment for fly populations. Economic losses can be substantial, particularly in beef and dairy cattle. In cattle, flies can cause production losses in the way of reduced weight gain, lowered milk production and the transmission of disease.

On Call


This year has been a hard one on the cow herd. The heat and drought this summer resulted in short pastures, minimal to no stockpiled forage and a scarce hay supply for most producers. Furthermore, I have noticed a trend of more open cows on recent pregnancy checks, likely in direct relation to the heat stress and lowered nutritional plane encountered during the breeding season. It is always a good idea for producers to consider implementing practices that improve cow productivity and efficiency. However, this year carries with it a potential for maximum returns.

On Call


My practice has several small ruminant herds in it. We see a few cases each year of Caprine Arthritis Encephalitis (CAE) or Infectious Leukoencephalomyelitis. This disease is devastating to the animal it affects. CAE is usually seen in young goats. The most important thing to remember is there are no effective treatments for CAE. Prevention is the only way to control this syndrome.

On Call

With the weather cooling as I write this article, I have seen a noticeable increase in scheduling for calf processing.  So I thought this might be a good time to discuss pre-conditioning programs and what I believe is their value to the cow-calf producer.

On Call

'Colic’ is a general term used to describe abdominal pain and is a clinical syndrome that is commonly recognized in horses. Colic can be caused by many different abnormalities occurring within the abdominal cavity of the horse. For horse owners it is advantageous to be familiar with the clinical signs, diagnosis and treatment options for colic as most horses will encounter this problem at some point in their lives.

On Call


Watch for acorn toxicosis this fall.

On Call


Most horse owners I know have at least one "easy keeper". These horses seem to require very little in terms of nutrition to maintain their body condition. Often the battle is in keeping them from becoming obese and horse owners go to great lengths, even what seems like near starvation to prevent these "easy keepers" from getting fat. As with all species, unchecked obesity comes with great health risks and for horses, Equine Metabolic Syndrome (EMS) is a condition not too uncommon for the overweight horse.

On Call


While dealing with the ice and cold weather I have noticed our nutrition gurus are looking more and moiré into balancing rations of essential amino acids instead of protein. I ask the question “Is their requirement of protein for animals in their diet?” Actually “NO.” Animals must have the 10 essential amino acids and cats require 11 amino acids.

On Call

Spring is here (or maybe multiple springs from all the rain many of us have had) and you have your calf crop on the ground and are thinking maybe you should be going over the farm equipment before hay season starts. Something else you should be thinking about is getting ready for breeding season so that you have a new calf crop for next year.  Some planning now on your part can go a long way to making next year’s calf crop successful.
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