33 F
Thursday, March 6, 2025

On Call


While dealing with the ice and cold weather I have noticed our nutrition gurus are looking more and more into balancing rations of essential amino acids instead of protein. I ask the question “Is their requirement of protein for animals in their diet?” Actually “NO.” Animals must have the 10 essential amino acids and cats require 11 amino acids.

On Call


While dealing with the ice and cold weather I have noticed our nutrition gurus are looking more and moiré into balancing rations of essential amino acids instead of protein. I ask the question “Is their requirement of protein for animals in their diet?” Actually “NO.” Animals must have the 10 essential amino acids and cats require 11 amino acids.

On Call


Abomasal bloat, or abomasitis, is a condition seen in calves less than three weeks old. We have recently seen several cases at our clinic, and unfortunately, most cases are fatal without very rapid intervention. The good news is that good management and preventive measures can all but eliminate this disease.

On Call


This is the time of year many area farmers are calving. Usually this time of year is not as cold as it has been this year. The weather definitely presents difficulties we don’t have when we calve in later spring and fall.

On Call


As I begin writing this, the weather report is showing continued cold weather and some possibility for frozen precipitation. Winter season is upon us. By the time you read this, you have already turned bulls out to breed your fall herd, your spring calves are either already sold or waiting January markets, and your family is getting prepared for Christmas celebrations. But there are several things that livestock owners have to consider to maintain animal health during this time of year.

On Call


Watch for acorn toxicosis this fall.

On Call


Fall is now officially here, fall calving is in full swing and now is the time to start thinking about your bull power for breeding season coming in less than two months. Too many times in my practice over the past 20 years I have seen cattlemen plan and strategize for handling cows and heifers for the upcoming breeding season, only to forget that their bulls are an equally important part of the breeding equation. I would suggest, rather than a last minute rush, that you start planning now to make sure the bulls are ready to perform.

On Call


You’ve been training the cows to come into the catch pen for the past couple of weeks. You got your help all lined up. You’ve got the vet scheduled for the exact time you wanted to work cows. Everything appears ready to go work your herd. But wait-have you taken time to give your facilities an inspection? This may not be the first thing you think about when planning fall herd work, but it may be the most critical and important thing you can do to ensure an efficient and safe working day for your cattle, your help and yourself.

On Call


Testing for persistent infected bovine viral diarrhea in cattle can be beneficial.

On Call


Once again this year we are seeing a rise in the number of cases of rabies in our state. This year according to the Missouri Department of Health, the state has had 23 cases compared to 17 cases at this same time last year. Currently, four counties are on alert those counties are Bollinger, Howell, Oregon and Wayne. Alerts are issued when the disease has been reported in domestic animals. The majority of cases this year has been in skunks, with 15 positive. The remainder of these cases have been in domestic animals including horses, dogs and cats.

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