Dairy Coop Being Investigated
Farmers group accused of conspiring to boost profits in dairy-pricing scheme
Horn Flies
Visit MU Extensions's "Walk-Through Trap to Control Horn Flies on Cattle"
Alfalfa Weevil Sightings
Ohio Extension: Entomology- Alfalfa Weevil
Healthy Eating and Fitness for Farmers
The following sites are some additional resources related to healthy eating and fitness.Physical Activity for EveryonePhysical Activity and Public Health GuidelinesThe State of Missourians'...
Flooding and Pasture Lands
For additional information on flooding and your pastures, please visit the following website. www.aragriculture.org/soil_water/default.htm
Arkansas State Building Codes & Contacts
For Arkansas state building codes and contact information, please visit http://www.co.washington.ar.us/Planning/images/ABC.pdf
Fainting Goats
American Livestock Breeds Conservancy websiteClick here to watch a video showing a litte more about fainting goats (3.9 MB)
Weighing Wind Energy
Here is some additional information we found quite informative while researching our recent article on wind energy.What a Skystream Windmill would look like on...
Better Buildings
Pre-Painted Metal versus NotMost pre-painted paneling for buildings will have up to 40 year warranties on it. When choosing not to go with the...