Short Takes, Thoughts and Stuff
Things to keep in mind in the new year
Here’s some early year thoughts relative to farming, ranching, agriculture and life in general.
Goal Setting: We...
Mare and Foal Care
Horse owners should understand the needs at and after foaling
When striving to master foaling, horse owners need to understand the basic needs of their...
Commercial EPDs
Utilizing genetic traits can improve commercial herds
Expected Progeny Difference (EPDs) can be beneficial when choosing bulls on commercial cattle operations.
Genetic traits are important for...
Livestock Bedding Tips
Providing animals additional protection from the elements
Whether an operation should consider providing bedding for its livestock depends on a variety of factors. For instance,...
Hay Storage
Management practices to reduce hay spoilage
Hay serves as a valuable resource for operations during the times of the year forage is scarce. Producers wanting...
2024 Farm Value Outlook
What is farmland worth?
Here we are at the New Year again. Those of us in agriculture generally begin our new year with hopeful optimism...
The Keys of Success
10 things to do in the new year
The start of a new year always comes with thoughts of reflection and improvement. To guarantee your...
A Sensible Approach to Tax Reduction
Taking on unnecessary burden can impact on cash flow
We have said goodbye to 2023. For many people, not soon enough. 2023 brought a worldwide...
How To Get Your Loan Approved Faster!
Having all required information helps keep the ball rolling
Have you ever applied for a loan only have it sit on your lender’s desk for...
Nutrition Matters in Backyard Flocks
Small flock owners should be mindful of what they feed their birds
As the value of eggs continues to rise, providing quality nutrition for egg...