What’s in Your Bale Yard?
Securing proper quality and quantity now for the winter months ahead
For many people, summer days are all about fun in the sun. But for...
Warts in Cattle
Causes, treatments and prevention of the lesions
Before turning into a worry wart over an outbreak of warts in their herd, producers can find some...
Testing Hay
How to determine nutrient quality in forages
The sight of a fresh-cut hayfield with tightly rolled bales dotting the pasture can bring feelings of satisfaction...
Should You Wean Early?
Factors to consider before pulling calves off cows
Whether or not producers should wean calves early falls into a category of debate among livestock experts....
Improving Heifer Fertility Rates
Management practices to increase reproductivity in younger females
Though genetics play an important role in reproductive success, there are a variety of management practices producers...
Tick-Borne Diseases in Cattle
Producers should keep an eye out for trouble and be proactive in prevention and treatment
The hot, humid summer days usher in a plethora of...
Billy and Ram Management
Making a game plan for the off-season
When a billy or a ram is hard at work during the breeding season, his body condition and...
Starting in Small Ruminant Production
What producers need to know before buying sheep or goats
Before diving deep into the small ruminant business, consider some of the following tips from experts...
Herd and Flock Health
Prevention and protocols for healthy animals
In small ruminants, health problems can spiral from bad to worse in the blink of an eye.
Frequently, by the...
Estimated Breeding Values
Shepherds are utilizing EBVs to improve their flocks
When shepherds evaluate an animal for its potential to be added to their flock, typically the first...