73.3 F
Monday, March 17, 2025

Preparing for Winter Before it Hits

Management strategies to stay one step ahead of Mother Nature Thinking back to the frigid blast of last winter may put a chill down the...

Incorporating Winter Cereals

Are they worth the time and money? If producers are looking to add winter cereals to their pastures in hopes of getting additional forage for...

Preventing Pregnancy Loss

Strategies for healthy pregnancies There are a variety of factors that can impact the viability of cattle pregnancies. Some are within a producer’s control and...

Sustainable Farming

Balancing Stewardship and Profitability For as long as farming has existed, those who have worked the land have utilized it to the best of their...

Culling the Herd

Which animals should stay and which should go? No matter the type of livestock operation, at some point, a part of a producer’s herd must...

Winter Annuals

Filling the forage gap As the cooler months creep in, warm season forages may start to wane. In the Ozarks, producers have the opportunity to...

Hypocalcemia in Beef Cattle

Underlying symptoms that should be on a producer’s radar Traditionally, producers running dairy operations are the ones monitoring their cows for symptoms of hypocalcemia. However,...

Preparing for Winter

Taking steps to maximize productivity in your herd or flock It’s never too soon to start preparing for the future. This may be especially true...

Prussic Acid Poisoning

Keeping herds safe from the deadly plant poison During stretches of drought or a frost the likelihood of prussic acid building up in Johnsongrass increases....

Changing Minerals with the Seasons

Deficiencies in certain minerals can have adverse effects on herd health As the season changes from summer to fall, livestock nutrition experts recommend producers consider...
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