Crossbreeding for Market
More and more beef producers are switching to “black” cattle since that seems to be what the market wants. Black Angus heifers are sold for a premium and we search for the best black Angus bulls we can find to ensure that the calves will turn out black. However, this mass conversion to “black” may be costing us as much as $100/cow/year in what we give up by not crossbreeding.
Respecting Your Animals
Males of about any species tend to be more aggressive than females. This comment by Eldon Cole, University of Missouri Extension livestock specialist, focused on factors involved in maintaining safe conditions when working around farm animals.
Hi-Lo Sorting
Sorting cattle helps eliminate outliers in a pen, but the extra effort may be rewarded by higher quality grades, too.
A study by Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) shows the more sorts the better the grades in most cases.
A study by Certified Angus Beef LLC (CAB) shows the more sorts the better the grades in most cases.
Synching Estrous Cycles
Long breeding and calving seasons can mean extra time and labor costs for producers, but by synchronizing cows’ estrous, a producer can spend less time observing natural heats and subsequent breeding as well as reduce the time needed to observe calving 283 days later.
Marketing a breeding program
Marketing your purebred breeding program takes hard work, paper work and networks
Save Money with Nutrient Management
Nutrient management plans (NMPs) are farm management tools that were initially created to help farmers manage the timing, amount and placement of fertilizers in their pastures for the environments sake. In today’s world though, the NMP can do much more than help protect the environment. It can also protect your pocket book.
Fat in the Right Places
The secret is in knowing where fat, in the right places, can add value
The Ozarks New Energy Conference
Ozarks farmers looking to use their land and byproducts more productively: This conference is for you. Join the discussion on the future of energy here in southwest Missouri at the Ozarks New Energy Conference Feb.22-23 in Springfield, Mo. Nationally recognized biomass researchers and experts, University and extension specialists, government officials and private business leaders will speak on biomass as an alternative energy source
Fertility Exams
Make your bulls put dollars in your pocket: His problems with breeding can cost you thousands
Profits in Culling
Culling a herd is a common, practical and cost-effective procedure for any livestock operation. Producers are always searching for practices that can increase profitability for their farms, and culling is one such practice. Culling in its most simple form is removing those animals from the herd that are inferior, leaving only the superior animals to reproduce and strengthen the operation.