64 F
Sunday, May 19, 2024

Beef Cattle Conference

The North Central Arkansas Beef Cattle Conference is scheduled for Aug. 3, 2009 at the North Arkansas Livestock Auction in Green Forest, Ark., according to Mark Keaton, Baxter County Extension agent with the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture.

Weaning Warnings


Many considerations can go into the decision of when to wean calves, and they can all affect your bottom line.

Balancing Your Diet with Dairy


There are several challenges for the dairy industry when it comes to getting consumers to understand how dairy can be a healthy part of their balanced diet.

Rested and Refueled


During this hectic time of year, it’s important for producers to keep their equipment — and themselves — in good shape.

Dealing with Moldy Hay

Weather woes can mean hay quality issues After last year’s drought, this year’s wet summer came as a bit of a surprise in the Ozarks....

Finding Muti-Sire Balance


Placing two or more bulls in the same breeding pasture creates both efficiencies and problems. Dr. Robert Wells, a consultant with the Samuel R. Noble Foundation in Ardmore, Okla., said the practice is common, especially for larger herds in a commercial situation. “It’s easier to manage your operation when you’ve got less breeding units and more animals in the same pasture,” Wells told Ozarks Farm & Neighbor.

The Rise of Precision Technology


Automatic section controls (ASC) are the latest of a suite of technological devices that can help farmers use crop inputs more precisely for the maximum return. Although the devices can be expensive, farmers say rising production costs are making the equipment increasingly attractive.

How Will You Get Water?


Water is an essential part of cattle production and pasture management. Under the recent drought conditions, the game of getting your cattle to water was completely changed. No longer could cattle simply be moved between pastures and paddocks where various sources of water were, because ponds had dried up, and streams were low, often at levels never seen before.

Mitigate Your Exposure

With input costs climbing steadily over the last few decades, producers have constantly looked for ways to secure more of the risk they take...

Selling Meat Off Your Farm


Direct marketing livestock is a popular outlet producers are evaluating for their farm operations, but entering this type of venture requires substantial research. Although a producer might gain more profit from direct marketing livestock, they will wear a variety of hats in the process. 

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