Consider Litter
Poultry litter is a viable alternative to conventional fertilizers
Before planting, farmers need to prepare the soil and ensure the soil has the essential nutrients...
Get the Dirt on Pastures
Understanding soil type and condition
Producers looking to improve forages for their livestock can make big strides by understanding what type of soil they have...
It’s All in the Eggs
Improving the quality of eggs produced in a small-scale poultry operation
Raising hens for egg production in backyards is an agricultural practice that has been...
Animal Rights & Animal Welfare
Is there a difference?
Animal welfare and animal rights – most producers have their own opinions about these terms. But do they know the difference...
Introducing New Genetics
Producers should diversify herd genetics to adapt to market trends
Producers looking to make changes and improvements to their herds may be considering incorporating new...
Too Much or Too Little Bull?
Determining the right bull-to-female ratio
There are many aspects to running a cattle operation that require the right balance. The number of females with a...
Optimizing the Breeding Season
Implementing breeding strategies can improve profits
An efficient and consistent reproductive herd puts money in a producer’s pocketbook. The skyrocketing costs of running a cattle...
Conception Rates and the Weather
Even short blasts of frigid weather can impact timely reproduction
Short and long blasts of frigid weather can create a chilling effect on a cow’s...
The Rate Game Continues
Now is the time to review rate-sensitive areas
“What’s your interest rate?” continues to be a frequent and important front-end question when it comes to...
Software for the Farm
Farm-oriented software can help producers in many ways
The more you can reduce the guesswork, the more profitable your farm may be. That’s where agricultural...