Cull or Feed Out?
Options to consider for open heifers
For whatever reason, and there can be many, some replacement heifer candidates simply fail to measure up to the...
Don’t Forget Dental Care
Farmers and ranchers are encouraged to remember that prevention is key for oral health
I am Dr. Zachary Jarrett D.D.S. and I practice dentistry in...
Liability Insurance
Making sure farm operations have the right coverage
Whether it’s a hobby or full-time job, farmers may want to explore adding farm liability coverage to...
Breeding Season Versus Year-Round Breeding
Factors for producers to consider for their operations
Whether a producer favors a designated breeding season or a year-round approach, there are advantages and disadvantages...
Starting the Weed Battle
Ways to stay ahead of weeds before it’s too late
Ready or not it’s time to get to work to ward off weeds in pastures...
Thinking About Joint Replacement?
Having a conversation with your doctor can help you decide
Talking with an orthopedic surgeon will help patients decide when the time is right.
Farmers value...
Take a Walk
Walking has many benefits, including improving muscle strength and reducing stress
“So what do you want to talk about today? What questions do you have?”...
‘Candy’ with Consequences
Adults are reminded to be vigilant when it comes to children and edibles with THC
Marijuana is now legal in Missouri – both for medicinal and...
Fighting Flies and Ticks
Tips to get ahead of insects before they infest herds
The beauty of spring is starting to arrive in the Ozarks along with the hope...
Efficiency and Sustainability
Recommendations to benefit farming operations
Whether working with pastureland, woodland, cropland or a garden, implementing a few simple practices can help an operation run more...