Annie’s Project
Non-profit foundation offers resources to educate and empower women in agriculture
Annie’s Project started 20 years ago with the mission to equip women in agriculture...
Adding Warm Season Annuals
Incorporated additional forage options for the summer months
During the heat of summer, cool season grasses turn dormant reducing the amount of forage available for...
Beat the Heat
Tips for breeding and selecting heat-tolerant cattle
Producers who make selection decisions to improve heat tolerance in their herd can positively impact their operation’s productivity...
Udder Health
Steps to reducing disease in the udders of dairy cattle
One of the biggest threats to udder health in dairy cattle is mastitis. The infection...
Hoof Care in Dairy Animals
Minimizing lameness in dairy herds with regular hoof trimming
Proper hoof care helps to prevent lameness in dairy cattle and ultimately positively impacts a producer’s...
Crossing Dairy and Beef Breeds
Infusing beef genetics into a dairy operation
Dairy producers can add value to their herd and more efficiently manage their herd inventory by breeding some...
Producing Top Tier Milk
Management strategies to improve overall milk quality
Many factors impact the composition and quality of milk a dairy cow produces. Genetics, environment, disease, stage of...
Winter Coat Shedding
The impact shedding has on cattle health and profitability
As happy as producers are to ditch their own winter coats as warmer weather arrives, they...
Preventing Grass Tetany
Strategies to keep cattle healthy on new, lush spring forage
Finally, green grass has erupted from the ground-filling pastures, producing a stage prime for spring...
Building a Finishing Facility
Actions to take prior to breaking ground
The more planning that takes place before starting construction of a feeding facility, such as a finishing floor,...