Life Is Simple
The newcomer’s hat looked a little out of place, alongside those of the locals at the morning gathering spot. The regulars had been meeting, daily, at the rural café for many years, to enjoy a good cup of coffee, socialize and attempt to solve the world’s problems. Their sweat-stained and manure-speckled lids lined the hat rack inside the entrance to the eatery, so the newcomer’s recently purchased 10X beaver shined like a diamond in a mule’s….
Across the Fence
Do you know Bo? I’m sure many of you are thinking, “Bo who?”
Freshly Picked
I realize we are a good month away from the official change of seasons. This spring-like February has been amazing! Our family has been busy sorting things this month. It started with sorting calves. We sorted heifers and steers, and opted to send the steers to the sale barn. My husband also included one of our red heifers for the sale. When I asked him why, he said she didn’t go with his black Angus herd. If that’s not discrimination, folks, I don’t know what is. I thought she was pretty but she was sorted into the “sell herd” anyway.
Life Is Simple
Like anyone with a computer or smartphone, I occasionally enjoy watching humorous videos on the Internet.
Across the Fence
Do you know Bo? I’m sure many of you are thinking, “Bo who?”
Life Is Simple
Before the advent of superstores, shopping malls, and big-box outlets, one company dominated retail commerce in middle America – Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Across the Fence
My old friend Bob recently asked me to share some thoughts and farming information with his gardener friends. I gladly accepted the invitation.
Freshly Picked
The Harris momma cow pasture have been out with their bull friend for several months now. Spring calving season has already begun – we have had three calves hit the ground already.
Life Is Simple
Before the advent of superstores, shopping malls, and big-box outlets, one company dominated retail commerce in middle America – Sears, Roebuck & Co.
Across the Fence
My old friend Bob recently asked me to share some thoughts and farming information with his gardener friends. I gladly accepted the invitation.